step 1: scripting
Once I had begun the editing of my piece and chosen the clips I wanted to use for my documentary I then had to begin linking them together with my voice over. This would really help my piece take shape and form the narrative I wanted.
The first step in this process would be to script what I wanted to say. I cover this in the 'editing' section within the blog which can be found here.
step 2: first draft recordings
When I first recorded my VoiceOver I used the Voice Memo app on my phone, although I knew the audio quality would not be perfect I knew it would be good enough for a first draft.
I recorded the introductions to the interviewees first, setting them up and explaining who they were. Then I recorded all the links between their answers, providing the context and setting up what they were about to say.
Finally I needed to record the introduction and closure of the piece but I did not know exactly what I wanted to say as these were editorial choices that I wanted to decide on later on. Instead I simply recorded rough draft getting across the general message I wanted to get across that I could use as a time marker within the preliminary form of my piece.
step 3: feedback from supervisor
Once I had sent my first draft to Gloria she was able to give me feedback I could use to improve the final form of my documentary.
"Your narration needs to be clearer and more confident. You sound little nervous. Are you? You don’t have to be. This is a bold topic. Present it with confidence, so that the listeners will show an interest and perhaps believe in what you are saying. Convince them confidently."
"Your links between Emily’s various clips don’t flow quite well. The narration is quite quick, fast, without giving listeners enough time to switch between your links and their links."
Taking this on board I decided to rewrite the voice over clips to be more clear and conscience whilst at the same time use more interesting vocabulary to draw the listeners in.
I also listened to the first draft back with a fresh mind to see if there was anything said in the voice over that I personally wanted to change. I decided some words sounded clunky and so replaced them with more informal sounding language.
step 4: studio recordings
To rerecord the original voice over clips I used the studios on campus to ensure I would have the best sound quality possible.
Keeping Gloria's feedback in mind I spoke with confidence and certainty.
I had previously listened to some of the presenters that speak on Foundation FM so knew the style to mimic. I knew they spoke informally and in a chatty manner so wanted to convey that within my piece too.
I recorded several takes of each link so I would be able to choose the best version in the later editing stages.